Pro-life Family and Friends Picket and Pray
Yesterday was the first of what will be many prayer-protest rallies that will be held at WomanCare abortion clinic, until the abortionist is evicted or voluntarily moves out of 840 East Mount Hope.
Join us each Wednesday and Friday, abortion procedure days, from 10 – noon, and take a public stand to defend the unborn and women.
Abortionist Threatens to Call the Police
Theodore Roumell has not accepted any of our offers, although we have been inviting him for months, to join our pro-life family in Lansing.
When we offered this again on Friday, he threatened to call the police.
We have sent him books and CD’s on the conversion of Bernard Nathanson, an American abortionist from New York, who helped to found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, but later became a pro-life activist.
Offering Help to Abortion Clinic Workers

We are using kit, including signs and business cards, to offer help and assistance to the abortion clinic workers, encouraging them to leave the industry.
Kim Herring, who worked for Theodore Roumell at the Grand River location, is now employed with the abortionist at the East Mount Hope clinic. Please pray for conversion of the workers and the abortionist.
Image03202015111444Churches and Christians are Invited to Unite
Join our ecumenical effort to be God’s light in the dark world of the culture of death. God has shown the might of His arm when we have united in faith and conscience and humble prayer, asking Him to end abortion.
Fr. Steve Mattson, pastor of the Church of the Resurrection (photo, left), led prayer Friday, as other pro-life friends and family in Lansing gathered at the vigil.